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Zuuber - Fun & Easy Learning

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개발자: Zuuber, Inc.
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Enjoy entertaining and educational summaries in audio or written format, each distilled to about 2 minutes, with only the most important and interesting information included.

Our summaries are written by history researchers and writers, who combine their love of history with their passion for writing, resulting in an easy to follow and engaging narrative. The list of topics is curated under the guidance of two-time Pulitzer prize winner Dr. Alan Taylor, Professor of History at the University of Virginia.

The app is free to download and free to use.

Summaries Include:
US Colonization
Jamestown Colony
Colony of Virginia
Paspahegh Massacre
First Anglo-Powhatan War
John Rolfe and Pocahontas
Headright System
Great Dying
Arrival of the First African Slaves
Pilgrims at Plymouth
Indian Massacre of 1622
Colony of Connecticut
Pequot War
French and Iroquois War
Navigation Acts
Peach Tree War
Esopus Wars
Fall of New Amsterdam
King Philips War
Bacons Rebellion
King William’s War
Founding of Spanish Texas
Salem Witch Trials
Captain Kidd
Colony of New Jersey
Queen Annes War
Deerfield Massacre
Tuscarora War
Slave Codes
Yamasee War
Stono Rebellion
New York City Conspiracy
Underground Railroad
French and Indian War
Battle of Fort Necessity
Braddock Expedition
Battle of Quebec
Paxton Boys
Pontiacs War
Dunmores War
Royal Proclamation of 1763
Stamp Act
Birth of the Sons of Liberty
Boston Massacre
Patriots vs. Loyalists
Battle of Alamance
Boston Tea Party
Intolerable Acts
First Continental Congress
Petition to King George III
Minute Men
Battle of Lexington
Battle of Concord
Siege of Boston
Continental Army
Fort Ticonderoga
Battle of Bunker Hill
Battle of Long Island
Declaration of Independence
Battles of Saratoga
Battle of Brandywine
Valley Forge
Culper Spy Ring
Gradual Emancipation Laws
Battle of the Chesapeake Bay
Siege of Yorktown
Articles of Confederation
British Army
Continental Navy
Treaty of Paris
Boston King
World War 2 Overview
World War II (WWII)
Causes of the Civil War Overview
Federalism and States Rights
King Cotton
Missouri Compromise
Nullification and Compact Theory
Compromise of 1850
Fugitive Slave Act
Kansas-Nebraska Act
Bleeding Kansas
Lincoln-Douglas Debates
Harpers Ferry Raid
Lincoln Elected
Southern Secession
Abolition Movement
Civil War
Capture of Fort Sumter
First Battle of Bull Run
Border States and the War in the West
Battle of Shiloh
Battle of Antietam
Battle of Fredricksburg
Battle of Chancellorsville
Western Theater
Vicksburg Campaign
Gettysburg Campaign
Battle of Gettysburg
Battle of Chickamauga
Chattanooga Campaign
Overland Campaign
Siege of Petersburg
Atlanta Campaign
March to the Sea
Appomattox Courthouse and Lees Surrender
Confiscation and Militia Acts
Clash of the Ironclads
Gettysburg Address
Emancipation Proclamation
Trent Affair
54th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment
New York City Draft Riots
1864 Presidential Election
Abraham Lincoln
Union Army Overview
Confederate Army Overview
Union Navy Overview
Confederate Navy Overview
First Modern War Weapons Overview
Union Government During the War Overview
Confederate Government During the War Overview
Assassination of Abraham Lincoln
Ratification of the Thirteenth Amendment
Reconstruction Overview
Andrew Johnson
Ratification of the Fourteenth Amendment
The Freedmens Bureau
The Fifteenth Amendment
Batter of Crater
Native American Involvement in the Civil War
Women in the Civil War
African Americans in the Civil War

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